Thursday 3 September 2009

Blustering Barnacles

Today I had a lovely day with my Aunt. We had lunch at the Overstrand Cafe - I had tasty crab salad and decadent syrup sponge with custard for pud - to gird my insides and stave off the cold and gale force winds that beackoned on the beach. But it was exhilirating - the sand whipped up and stung our legs like in a sorroco wind forcing us down to the glimmering expanses of wet rippled sand dimpled by recent rain. We clambered over rock pools and held up our arms to be blown back by the winds power. It was so refreshing we walked all the way to Cromer and had pots of tea at the Rocket Cafe before being helped back by the winds encouragement - this time our calves getting the brunt of the stinging sand. It felt good to be alive.

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