Sunday, 2 May 2010

Sunlight on Snow

Promised winter sunlight shimmers-
quicker than thought it
Dances on the scarred surface-
Raw ridges softened by fresh predawn dusting,
Hardened by the night's sharp Haw.

Spotlights of caressed uniqueness
Impossible beacons within the dazzling glare.
Miragical beauty in the frozen desert-
Promise of carefully concealed treasures-
Truthes to emerge in thaw.


  1. A beautiful poem. Did you write it?

  2. I wrote it about/for a friend.
    How have you heard about my little blog Mona?

  3. It is on the list of blogs that Cecelia (previously closeted, now uncloseted pastor) follows. I have been lurking for a while, but your poem made me feel the need to comment.

  4. You are very welcome - I am neither a pastor nor closeted just an English girl trying to find my way when you realise there is a life to be lived outside...
